Staying Sane During Quarantine

I’m feeling it too. Stressing from staying holed up inside, worrying if I was exposed on my most recent trips to Italy and Florida, and hoping that this will all soon subside is truly taking its toll. 

I want to be very clear that you can go about this quarantine in any way that feels right for you. If being hyperproductive and cleaning your whole house, writing a novel, getting into the best shape of your life, and honing your cooking skills is what gets you through, then that’s what gets you through. If doing a facial every other day, practicing meditation (for real this time), and learning a new language is what helps you stay calm, then that’s what helps you stay calm. If watching six seasons of The Bachelor, wearing sweatpants and forgetting your bra every day, and crying with your friends on Facetime relaxes you, then that relaxes you. Whatever it is, do it; but try your best to not develop bad habits to help you cope, that will only make this time more debilitating.

All that being said, let’s talk about a few things you can do to shake up the monotony of being stuck inside for the foreseeable future!  

A Little Self Care Session:

Go freaking nuts! Do a hair or face mask, spend a couple hours giving yourself a manicure, take that bubble bath you are always too tired for, or just do whatever it is that helps you unwind! I saw a funny text post saying that this is the only time in history that you can save the world by doing absolutely nothing, so revel in the nothingness and enjoy this downtime for at least a few moments.

Overhead shot of a cactus, Cosmic holographic peel off mask, and MoA Argan and Keratin hair mask on a wood floor.

Photoshoot Time:

Hop off of Instagram and Twitter for a while, it’s probably only stressing you out more to see the endless posts regarding the virus. Instead, make some wholesome content to brighten your, and your friends’, feeds. Lure your pet over to a ridiculously “extra” set you’ve made in your bedroom with some treats, prop your phone up on some books, set the self timer, and get to posing with your furry friend, or alone if you’re feeling yourself!

Make Something Delicious:

I tried my hand at homemade cinnamon rolls and it took up a solid four hours of my day! Plus, I learned something new! Here’s the link to the recipe I used.

Start Learning a New Language: 

I know it sounds daunting, but it’s a great way for you to keep your mind sharp and get you to do something outside of watching Netflix or switching between social media apps. Duolingo is a great resource and will help you get steady with the basics. Who knows, maybe you’ll come out of quarantine being multilingual! 

Deep Clean:

Something, anything! Give a room a hard core scrub down! Did you know baseboards get horrifying when ignored for years? I didn’t, but let me tell you, my baseboards are angelic these days! Dust off those bookshelves you’ve ignored for several months and reorganize them to switch things up. Heck, move an entire room around and see if you like a new setup! 

Photo of Candace's bedroom. She has white sheets, a grey comforter, a white quilted duvet, white pillows, and emerald green decorative pillows as well.

Comment below which of these you’re going to do (or already have been!) to stay sane during quarantine! If you have pictures, tag me in them on Instagram (@cactiscandy) so I can see your work!

Before I sign off, I’d love for us all to take a moment and realize that many of us are still the lucky ones; we haven’t lost loved ones, we’re still healthy (for the most part), and as of now, our greatest discomfort is not getting to walk at graduation or go out to dinner for a while. Keep your heart and mind as light as possible my friends, I’m here with and for you!



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