5 Ways to Make Money During the Quarantine (From Home!)

Be an online juror: 

I know, I know, it sounds odd, but lawyers will run cases by an online mock jury to see how they would respond to a trial in order to better prepare them for their day in court. They generally take thirty minutes to an hour, and pay between $5 and $60; this is depending on the outlet you use and the trial being reviewed though. 

Shorter trials (a little less cash) can be found on eJury; and the lengthier trials (but more dough) can be found on Online Verdict

Jury Cartoon Image

Please note: you’ll need to be a US citizen, at least 18 years old, and have a valid driver’s license. 

Teach English Online: 

One of my closest friends does this for her full time job so she can stay home and raise her little one; as a bonus, she loves it! For the most part you’ll be teaching Chinese students basic or conversational English; so if you’re fluent in English, you’re good to go. 

Outlets like Teach Away, VIKid, and Qkids are all great options to explore, and pay upwards of $25/hour. Sessions are normally twenty minutes to an hour, and are an interactive way for you to feel like you’re “out of the house” because of the face-to-face lessons. 

Candace with students and fellow teachers in Hoi An, Vietnam.

Please note: you may need to have your ESL (English as a Second Language) Certification to begin teaching online, but this can be as little as six weeks to obtain, and let’s be honest you’ve got the time! Additionally, you may be required to have your bachelor’s degree too, but English Hunt only requires 48 hours of college credit (or an ESL Certificate) to be able to teach. 

Make an Acorns Account: 

This one is more of a money saving, or “squirreling” technique, but it’s still valid! You’ll probably be using your card for most of your purchases over the next few weeks (or months), and Acorns will automatically round your purchases up to a whole dollar and place it into a savings account that grows interest and invests in stocks on your behalf. I’ve been using it for years and have already saved up over $2,000+ to use for trips, rainy days, and so on! 

Plus, Acorns runs promotions for you to invite friends and the both of you get $5 added into your accounts. Sometimes they up the ante to the $1,000+ range if you invite a certain number of friends and they make their initial investment of $5, link their bank card, and don’t close their account before the date determined in the terms sent out regarding the specific referral period.  

Use my link to get $5 added to your account today and get your Acorns verified! 

Screenshot of Acorns investment app showing the roundups, account value with growth graph, and the

Get to Writing: 

You thought those liberal arts English requirements were annoying when you first got to college, but knowing how to write a well crafted blog or copy-edit for a business could really come in handy now!

Creating a profile on a freelancing website like Online Writing Jobs, ProBlogger, Who Pays Writers?, and dozens more is a great place to start looking for work online. These sites may ask for a subscription to be able to apply for work (some as little as $2 for a trial and as high as $50 for a membership), so you can always look on the trusted LinkedIn or Indeed to avoid these fees. 

Image of typewriter on a metallic suitcase with a plant in the background.

Please note: these positions may require you already have writing experience, but the unemployment rate is at 2% in the US right now, so don’t shy away from an opportunity because you feel “under-qualified”.

For the Artists:

This is the time you’ve been needing to finish that painting, make your jewelry, perfect your tie-dyeing, make those adorable greeting cards, and any other artistic passion you foster. Instead of simply promoting your work on social media platforms, get to listing your pieces on Facebook Marketplace, Etsy, Ebay, Depop, and anywhere else you can sell online. You may be pleasantly surprised by the influx of orders you see now that people are at home and surfing the internet more than ever!

Another amazing way to promote your artwork is consider putting your graphic design and photo shopping skills to use and reach out to youtubers, influencers, and more to see if they need channel emogis, social media banners, widget images for highlights on IG, and so much more!

Featured Artists: (Top Row) Tom Day Art: website and Instagram; (Bottom Row) Marissa Graham: Depop Shop and Instagram.

Please note: if you are an artist or small business, I would like to support you in any way possible! Please drop a comment below with a link to your website, socials, or online listings and I would love to promote your work on my social media to further your reach!

I hope these give you a little peace of mind that you can still manage to make some cash while we all wait and see what happens during this time. I’m sending prayers and love all of your ways; stay safe, try your best to stay healthy, and be bright. 


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